Updating lesson schedules across devices after study

Johnny's Avatar


30 Apr, 2011 06:20 AM

Hey Drew,

I've searched far and wide for a robust, easy-to-use flashcard program. I've been very pleased with Mental Case thus far, but I have a question about whether syncing my flashcards across devices updates lesson schedules? For instance, suppose I do the following: (1) I create cards on my imac; (2) I sync cards to my ipad; (3) I go off and study cards on my ipad for a couple hours; (4) I return and sync my ipad to my imac after the study session. Will the Lesson on my imac reflect the fact that the cards have been studied on my ipad after the two devices are synced?

I ask because I have not seen this take place. If the lesson on my imac Mental Case Lesson says that I have 40 cards to study when I initially sync with my ipad, the imac Mental Case Lesson still says that I have 40 cards to study after I've gone off and studied the cards on my ipad and then re-synced.

Many thanks,

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by drewmccormack on 30 Apr, 2011 07:49 AM

    drewmccormack's Avatar

    Hi Johnny,
    Yes, the lesson should update, but only if you are using the 'lesson' slideshows on the iPhone. Make sure you choose the 'Study Lesson' button whenever you study.
    If you don't use a lesson option, it doesn't keep track of what you have studied.
    After you sync, it immediately updates the lesson again. It is possible you are seeing 40 different cards, although that would be very coincidental.
    Kind regards,

  2. 2 Posted by Johnny on 30 Apr, 2011 05:44 PM

    Johnny's Avatar

    Hi Drew,

    Thanks for the speedy response! That makes sense. I had been using the "Study Case Lesson" as opposed to the more generic "Study Lesson" option because I was targeting specific classes, each of which has its own case. As I understand it, In the event that a student wants to do targeted study of a particular class's case (as opposed to the general body of notes in the "Lesson") on an ipad, then notes studied on the ipad will not be updated in the imac Lesson after the information has synced.

    I know you all are busy on the revamp for Mental Case 2, but I would love to see this changed. That would give people more flexibility in studying the whole Lesson versus studying a specific case of notes within the Lesson (e.g., in the build up to a particular course's exam) such that their study information is accurately logged in the notes.

    Thanks again for the help. This is a quality product and A+ marks on the customer service front!


  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by drewmccormack on 30 Apr, 2011 06:03 PM

    drewmccormack's Avatar

    Hi Johnny,
    When you select a case in the study section, you should be asked if you want to study all notes, or just lesson notes. If you choose lesson notes, it should reschedule your notes at the next sync.
    We are indeed working to make the lesson work better across all devices.
    Kind regards,

  4. 4 Posted by Johnny on 30 Apr, 2011 06:58 PM

    Johnny's Avatar

    Hi Drew,

    Just had an "ah-ha" moment. You do indeed already have this feature, I just had overlooked it. Thank you so much for the terrific user support!


  5. drewmccormack closed this discussion on 30 Apr, 2011 09:07 PM.

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