"Next" command and related questions

Michael Matthews's Avatar

Michael Matthews

18 Dec, 2011 05:07 PM


When I have graded a slide as incorrect, with the slide show set to repeat wrong notes shortly after grading, the note appears with the word "Next" in place of the right/wrong choices. I cannot find any information about this in the help file, and I don't understand what the function of this checkbox is.

If I hover the mouse over it, it reads "Grade as wrong. Hold shift to advance immediately"

Is that what happens if I click on "Next"?
If so, how does that affect the fact that the slide has already been graded as wrong?
If not, then what does the button do?

If I know the slide after seeing it the second time, is it now wrong or right? How do I mark it?
When a slide has been marked as wrong, when is the next time that a user has to mark it right?

When I have automatic transitions on and the slide show (set to study all due notes) comes to an end, it starts over again immediately, even if all slides have been marked as correct. Is this the intended behavior? How does this behavior interact with due notes?


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by drewmccormack on 19 Dec, 2011 07:46 AM

    drewmccormack's Avatar

    Hi Michael,

    The tooltip you are seeing is incorrect. Thank you for reporting it. We will fix it.
    Actually, the 'Next' button was designed to answer some of your questions. Originally we just had the right/wrong button, but customers did not know whether they should mark things right/wrong the second time they saw the slide. So we changed it to Next, which means 'Go to next slide set', so that it should be clear that you can't grade the slide anymore. It has already been graded, and you cannot change that in the current slideshow, because it has already been rescheduled for study in the future.

    To answer your second question, 'yes' we designed the automatic transitions to loop. It will have no impact on your due notes. It is purely for people who want to loop continuously through the slideshow.

    Kind regards,

  2. 2 Posted by Michael on 20 Dec, 2011 03:44 PM

    Michael's Avatar

    Still not sure about this:

    When a slide has been marked as wrong, when is the next time that a user has to mark it right?

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by drewmccormack on 20 Dec, 2011 03:46 PM

    drewmccormack's Avatar

    You grade each note once per slideshow. Once you have graded it, you can't change the grade. So the next time you mark it right/wrong is in your next slideshow.
    Make sense?


  4. 4 Posted by Michael on 20 Dec, 2011 05:36 PM

    Michael's Avatar

    Yes, but when does a slideshow end? When you hit the stop button (from automatic transitions)? When you quit the program?

    Can you have more than one slideshow in process? That is to say, can I stop working on one for a while, go to another, and comeback to the first one? How do I do that?

    Assuming that I can temporarily leave a slide show, is it ended in terms of grading?

    I can't find this info in the help file.

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by drewmccormack on 20 Dec, 2011 05:47 PM

    drewmccormack's Avatar

    Hi Michael,
    There is only ever one slideshow at a time. You can't make multiple slideshows, or leave one and come back. The current slideshow persists, even if you go to one of the other modes and come back, or quit the app. A slideshow ends when you start a new slideshow. The new slideshow replaces the old one.
    Kind regards,

  6. 6 Posted by Michael Matthew... on 20 Dec, 2011 06:39 PM

    Michael Matthews's Avatar

    Thanks for the info, Drew!



  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by drewmccormack on 20 Dec, 2011 06:59 PM

    drewmccormack's Avatar

    I've updated the help pages to try to make this clearer.

    Kind regards,

  8. 8 Posted by Michael Matthew... on 20 Dec, 2011 07:40 PM

    Michael Matthews's Avatar

    Thank you!

    It is a wonderful application. I use it all the time for language learning.



  9. Support Staff 9 Posted by drewmccormack on 20 Dec, 2011 07:41 PM

    drewmccormack's Avatar

    Don't be afraid to express your opinion in a review ;)


  10. 10 Posted by Michael Matthew... on 20 Dec, 2011 07:44 PM

    Michael Matthews's Avatar

    Ok, I will do that.


  11. drewmccormack closed this discussion on 20 Dec, 2011 10:03 PM.

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