Fwd: [The Mental Faculty] Order Confirmation: Order ST85109875

Brian O'Reilly's Avatar

Brian O'Reilly

14 Apr, 2012 03:52 AM


I purchased the app last year and would like to upgrade. Below is my
receipt from my purchase in March '11. Can we arrange this?


How should I upgrade to Mental Case 2.0?

Mental Case can now only be purchased via the Mac App Store. This
simplifies our support costs, and we can put more energy into product

Unfortunately, Apple provides no way for us to migrate people who purchased
outside of the Mac App Store over.

If you purchased Mental Case via the Mac App Store you can upgrade for free
by simply going to the Updates tab in the Mac App Store, and clicking the
Update button for Mental Case. (Note that you must have Mac OS X Lion to

If you purchased Mental Case 1.9 in 2011 from our web store, we can refund
your original purchase, and you can then purchase again via the Mac App
Store. Please note that this is only for purchases made in 2011. Contact
[email blocked] to arrange the refund.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [email blocked] <[email blocked]>
Date: Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 7:15 PM
Subject: [The Mental Faculty] Order Confirmation: Order ST85109875
To: "[email blocked]" <[email blocked]>

     Dear Brian O'Reilly,

Thank you for purchasing from The Mental Faculty. You can find detailed
information about your order under "ORDER SUMMARY" below.
  ORDER SUMMARY Personal Information
Brian O'Reilly
3872 Jewell St.
Apt. H-107
San Diego, CA 92109
United States
[email blocked] Order Information
*Order Number:* ST85109875
*Order Date:* 3/18/2011
*Order Method:* Web Store
*Grand Total:* $19.99
Order Item Details *Mental Case (v1.x)* [SKU29825821895] *1 @ $19.99
  *Serial Number Name:* Brian O'Reilly
  *Serial Number:* MC1X-D8LM-E5E8-JKBD-AYWV-0MY9

Thank you for purchasing Mental Case. If you have not yet downloaded Mental
Case, please do so at our web site (http://www.mentalcaseapp.com). Note
that the version you must download is simply the free trial version.

Once you have installed Mental Case on your Mac, launch it and choose Enter
Registration... from the Mental Case application menu. Enter your name and
serial number exactly as shown in this email to activate your copy of
Mental Case.

Please contact our support email address ([email blocked]) with
any questions you have regarding Mental Case. You can also choose to email
support from the Help menu of the Mental Case Application.
*IMPORTANT:*Your payment method will show a transaction from
*DRI*THE MENTAL FACULTY* in the amount of *$19.99*. *Sub Total:* $19.99
*Tax:* $0.00 *Shipping:* $0.00 *Grand Total:* $19.99

<http://store.esellerate.net/a.asp?b=[email blocked]>
here <http://store.esellerate.net/a.asp?b=[email blocked]>for
the following:

*· *Print Receipt
*· *Access Order History
*· *Serial Numbers

online transactions powered by eSellerate <http://www.esellerate.net>

Brian J. O'Reilly
(248) 703-5707

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by drewmccormack on 15 Apr, 2012 12:23 PM

    drewmccormack's Avatar

    Hi Brian,
    I have refunded your original order.
    Kind regards,

  2. drewmccormack closed this discussion on 15 Apr, 2012 12:23 PM.

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